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Have you had to cut toxic family members out of your life?

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 1:17 am
by Ravenfreak
Like the title of this thread states, have you ever had to cut out a toxic family member? I cut my grandmother out of my life back in 2010, she has no clue I've been medically transitioning now and back then I cut her out of my life when I thought I was a lesbian. She is a die hard Catholic, doesn't believe in LGBT and there's no way she'd accept me as her grandson. She would say weird things like "I know there's something going on between those two." (She was talking about my wife and I, this was back when we first went back out.) My aunt would tell her to butt out but she never really did so I decided just to stop talking to her. She apparently still asks about me, but my mother won't tell her about the fact that I have transitioned and still am. She wants my dad to tell her since it's his mother. It's okay to cut toxic people out of your life, because life is just too short to deal with toxicity.

Re: Have you had to cut toxic family members out of your life?

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2024 3:25 pm
by TechWiz18
Yeah, my mother and her side of the family are basically cut out. I tried for years to make a relationship happen but there has pretty much been 0 effort on her part to do anything. So aside from Mothers Day, Fathers Day and birthdays we don't really chat, even then it's just texts.

It also isn't the first time I've done this but this time it is different because I have a child.