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Do you dual boot Windows and Linux on your PC?

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 1:09 am
by Ravenfreak
I see we already have a few Linux threads here, but I was curious to see if anyone is dual booting Windows and Linux. If you are, which version of Windows are you using and which flavor of Linux are you using? I'm thinking about doing this with my PC, I've tried in the past with a laptop but I don't think I managed to partition my hard drive properly. :V So I just ended up reinstalling Windows 10 and dealing with it. I tried installing Lubuntu along with my Windows 10 install.

Re: Do you dual boot Windows and Linux on your PC?

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 5:53 am
by PGen98
I don't at present, the last time I did was Win10+Linux Mint, and it was perfectly fine :)

These days I run Linux on my laptop and Win 11 on my desktop with VMs on my NAS that I can spin up whenever I need something specific.

Re: Do you dual boot Windows and Linux on your PC?

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 7:33 pm
by TechWiz18
I haven't ran a dual boot environment in quite some time honestly. If you are stubborn enough you can essentially do whatever you want on Linux otherwise it's easier to just run Windows.

I guess a use case for this would be if on a shared PC one of us wanted to run Linux but the other is still better off on Windows.