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Dungeons and Dragons

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2024 4:28 am
by Juneberry
Anyone else love TTRPGs like Dungeons and Dragons? (I don't mind discussing others, it's just the one I know best). I play like 4 days a week with multiple groups. Two of my games use TaleSpire, two are basically just theater of the mind with occasional camera usage to show us the table. I really enjoy playing in general. My characters so far:

Monday -- I have two games on Mondays, alternating weeks. In one I play Portia, a halfling rogue (arcane trickster- working on getting the ritual caster feat!). In the other, it's an isekai so while I'm technically a human, I have access to the abilities of a half-elf druid for fun, circle of shepherd. Her name is Aylen.
Wednesday -- Curse of Strahd. I play Apora, a dim-witted black dragonborn paladin, oath of crown.
Thursday -- I play Arinoa, a white dragonborn monk/sorcerer mix from a royal family. She's currently basically been isekaied to the polar opposite side of the planet with her party after being killed by a yule cat once. If she touches a dead body, she will feel crippling pain.
Sunday -- I play Tana, a forest gnome cleric with the life domain. She's kind of too curious for her own good because she's a hermit who's learning the way the world works.

Re: Dungeons and Dragons

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2024 11:18 pm
by Progrumz
I've never played any tabletop RPGs in any organized way, but I did some pen-and-paper RPs with some friends as a kid. It was fun enough, though it was probably cringe. XD

Re: Dungeons and Dragons

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 1:50 am
by Juneberry
I play online, believe it or not :D On Discord, with friends, using various means of doing so.

Re: Dungeons and Dragons

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 4:00 am
by Progrumz
Does it work well?

Re: Dungeons and Dragons

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 1:23 pm
by Juneberry
It does for me, at least. Two of my games use TaleSpire (which involves a program you have to buy but is used for immersion via 3D maps and stuff that you can move minis around on) and the other two are basically just 'theater of the mind'- meaning it's just imagination and occasionally my DM sets up a table at her house to show us the goings-on via camera.

Re: Dungeons and Dragons

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:34 pm
by Progrumz
That sounds neat. How many people play?

Re: Dungeons and Dragons

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 11:22 pm
by Juneberry
Depends on the game.

Sundays: There's 4 of us (including the DM). We're looking for more players, actually. TaleSpire game, but I stream it for some people who can't get it working etc.
Mondays: Again, 4 people including the DM, but a different group. This one's interesting because I'm the only one in the game that's not in person. It's run by my friend Johna and her parents. Johna and her stepfather interchange who runs it, so it's technically two campaigns.
Wednesdays: Curse of Strahd, my biggest campaign in size. I think there's like 8-9 of us including our DM? :'D
Thursdays: There's like 6 of us including our DM now. Incidentally includes my entire Sunday group, plus two other people.

Re: Dungeons and Dragons

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 11:36 pm
by Progrumz
Do you find that it works better with fewer people or more people?

Re: Dungeons and Dragons

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2024 12:02 am
by Juneberry
Hm... I think it varies on what's going on, and the people involved. I've been in both big and small groups. There's pros and cons to both.

Small Groups: Better in terms of timing things. Combats don't take as long since each round has less people. There's also less talking over each other.
Bigger Groups: Tend to be rowdier and entertaining depending on the people. Characters interact more since there's more to be had. Combats take longer, but there's more variety in types of fighting styles with more characters, etc.

Re: Dungeons and Dragons

Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 2:38 pm
by TechWiz18
I have never played D&D....just in general. I always feel weird in a role-playing scenario no idea why lol I just start getting giggly.