What's the most obscure game console do you own?

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What's the most obscure game console do you own?

Post by Ravenfreak »

There's been numerous consoles as well as handhelds that have been released throughout the years. Most of them were originally designed to try and compete against the big names like the Gameboy, DS, etc. Do you own any of these bizarre consoles or handhelds? I don't really own any obscure consoles myself, but I've always wanted a Neo Geo Pocket Color or Wonderswan Color. I mainly want the Neo Geo Pocket color for Sonic Pocket Adventure, and the Wonderswan has a few Digimon games on it that I want to own someday.
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Re: What's the most obscure game console do you own?

Post by PGen98 »

I guess the most obscure one I own is a 1967 pong clone console.
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Re: What's the most obscure game console do you own?

Post by Megan »

Only thing that comes to mind is the Retron I have.
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